Excerpts from Graduation Speech
"The word kindergarten is actually a German word meaning children’s garden. Parents, you sent a seed to our garden to be nurtured and helped to grow, but what you might not have realized was that planting these seeds actually started at home. Your involvement in the classroom has been a vital asset to what the children have been able to accomplish this year. So a special thank you to all the parents and guardians for your support and active participation."
"The children’s curiosity, hard work and dedication is what motivates us each and every day. To our precious students whom we created so many memories and learnt so much. One of the most important things that we have learnt is that you can be anything that you want to be, you can be a chef who cooks for a crew on a big ship, a dentist or a doctor, you can even be a fire fighter who helps to put out a big fire. If you can think it, believe it and you can do it. Remember only the sky is the limit. Hold this day near and dear to your heart for there will never be another quite like this one.
As I reflect back on the first day of school I can’t be more proud to stand before you today, and present to you the graduating class of 2016."